The Conservative Majority would like to extend our thanks to South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint in his staunch opposition to the attempted forced vote on health care reform by the President and Democrats in Congress. At a time when we needed a voice to be heard over the madness, Sen. DeMint provided that voice. As a result of the opposition of members of congress like Senator DeMint and the unfavorable view that the majority of Americans have of the Democrat health care reform bill, Senate majority leader Harry Reid announced that the Senate vote would not take place before the August recess. We need more leaders to stand up and fight this now obvious liberal socialist agenda that threatens the very fabric of this nation. If Obama is allowed to succeed what it means to be an American will be changed forever, and not for the better. Stand up Republicans in the house and Senate and follow Sen. DeMint's example. Let's stop this madness before we loose our country.
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